
Voiceflex - Delivering powerful communications services to the IT and Communications market

Delivering powerful communications services to the IT and Communications market

SogeaVoice, provided by Voiceflex

A Trusted Partner

Voiceflex is a multi-award-winning communications company formed in 1998 initially proving leading edge IT services. In 2005 Voiceflex became a pioneer in the development and deployment of SIP Trunks (the alternative to ISDN) and is now a major UK carrier of communications services to the IT and Communications market.

Voiceflex is a multi-award-winning communications company

Technology Led

Maximise your uptime by utilising our fully redundant core, which operates over 3 data centres with multiple tier 1 connectivity.

Support Focused

Support by dedicated voice & data engineers with many years of combined experience in keeping your systems running.

Reliable Services

Designing solutions to bring reliability & flexibility to voice. Helping you to keep everyone connected.

Comprehensive Portfolio

Voiceflex has and will remain a features and application service provider continually developing services to enhance our core SIP Trunk offering. Over the years, additional products have been added to our portfolio enabling us to deliver powerful communication services.

Voiceflex is an Internet Service Provider (ISP) providing ADSL, FTTC, FTTP, and Leased lines to the channel. In 2010 we launched our own hosted telephony platform, Nebula, expanding our range of voice services providing reliable, secure, flexible and cost-effective solutions.

A Comprehensive Portfolio
Voiceflex, keeping everyone connected

Keeping Everyone Connected

Home and business telephony have come a long way. Technology has changed the way we communicate, and as a result, user requirements have changed. As we transition more towards an all-IP infrastructure and with the PSTN network being phased out by 2025, SogeaVoice, a VoIP application from a multi-award-winning SIP carrier, is the replacement for PSTN voice services.

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